Fall Guard - Marching Season
Color Guard performs with the Marching Band during this season. During the marching season, the color guard is focused on learning the equipment work (e.g. flag work) and marching for events.
Band Camp
Members of the Fall Color Guard are required to attend and participate in band camp. Additionally, the Fall Guard will host an additional 4 days of training subsequent to the marching camp rehearsals. Both marching camp and guard camp are required. If a student does not participate in band and guard camp, they will not be eligible to patriciate in the Fall Guard, unless they have been able to make other arrangements with the Band and Guard Directors.
Fall Guard team members rehearse twice a week and are subject to the same attendance policy as all other band members. The calendar for the marching season is posted on the band website. Please remember that doctor’s appointments, homework, etc. are not excused and conflicts are to be avoided. It is critical for your student to attend all rehearsals and events. Please refer to the Attendance Policy for more information.
Game Days
On game days, the Fall Guard will have some warm-up and rehearsal time after school, and will then receive time to change into their uniform, and prepare their show hair & make-up. All students are responsible to the purchase and maintenance of the beauty products need for show hair and make-up.
All members of the Fall Color Guard are subject to the same rules, policies, and expectations as the symphonic band.